Yves Béhar Receives INDEX: Award for ‘See Better to Learn Better’ Program

A book designed for the See Better to Learn Better program guides providers through the process of selecting free eyeglasses for children. (Photos: fuseproject)

This just in from Copenhagen: designer Yves Béhar has received one of five 2011 INDEX: Awards for See Better to Learn Better (Verbien), a program in partnership with Augen Optics and the Mexican Government for the design and distribution of free eyeglasses to schoolchildren in Mexico. The fuseproject founder is no stranger to the award, bestowed annually by a Danish nonprofit founded in 2002 to promote “design that improves life.” INDEX: recognized Béhar in 2007 for his design of the XO laptop developed by Nicholas Negroponte’s One Laptop Per Child organization. Béhar plans to use the 2011 award purse of €100,000 (approximately $144,000) to fund the next phase of See Well to Learn Well. The project will expand into the U.S. this fall, beginning with the San Francisco Bay Area. Since its launch in 2010, See Better to Learn Better has given free eye exams to 500,000 children in Mexico and has supplied 358,000 of them with glasses. An additional 240,000 kids and 20,000 adults are expected to receive glasses during the 2011-2012 school year.

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