Yes, It’s True! Michael Graves Loves Peeps

We began our Wednesday with a sweet tweet about architect and product designer Michael Graves‘ favorite food: Peeps. The response was remarkable, ranging from “What? No way.” to a flurry of e-mails wondering if we were a) attempting to start a new candy-themed design nerd hashtag (à la #ArchitectBandNames) or b) standing too close to the UnBeige Sharpie bin without the benefit of cross-ventilation. Before we could take to Twitter to report that we were neither kidding nor tweeting under the influence of volatile ketones, Graves’ office came to the rescue with a tweet (below) confirming our assertion concerning the polarizing marshmallow candies. Whether you like to eat the spongy treats or just admire their strange beauty, a little birdie told us that they make a smashing conversation piece when stuffed–gently! lovingly!–into the new round-bottom-flask-cum-decanter that Graves designed for JCPenney.

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