World Maker Faire New York 2012: Call for Makers!!

Menthos + Diet Coke experiment from Maker Faire Bay Area 2012. Photo courtesy of Lindsie Reitz.

And in more Maker Faire news

You’re a designer, an inventor, the genius behind the great thing-a-ma-jig. Maker Faire wants YOU to be part of their global showcase of DIY (or Do-It-Together) spirit. Here’s your chance to share your project not only with your fellow makers, but more importantly, the greater New York City community.

We are so excited to be a media partner in this year’s World Maker Faire, September 29-30th, hosted at the New York Hall of Science in Queens! You can enter your project as a Maker, Music Performer or Presenter in this year’s event. The organizers encourage exhibitions to be interactive, highlighting the process of making things.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to participate in this year’s World Maker Faire—the call for makers wraps up in two weeks on Friday, August 17th. Even if you don’t have a project to share, come out for this family-friendly event. Early Bird tickets are on sale NOW through the end of August.

For a taste of what to expect at Maker Faire, check out our past coverage of events from around the world!!

» 2012 Bay Area Coverage
» 2010 New York Photo Gallery and Coverage
» 2010 Detroit Photo Gallery
» 2009 Africa (Accra, Ghana) Photo Gallery and Coverage
» 2008 Bay Area Photo Gallery



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