Work/Life 2: with SPD at NYC
Posted in: UncategorizedThe primary goal of the Work/Life series is to promote the illustration talents profiled to potential clients. To that end, the book has been mailed out to a long list of designers, publishers and advertisers. Much of the list was compiled by participants listing their top ten dream clients; we researched their submissions and found contacts and addresses whenever possible. The book was also sent to major design firms and magazine / book art directors.
This Friday, Work/Life 2 will be available FREE to members of the Society of Publication Designers attending their Spring Fling in New York City. I hope that the book will make a positive impression and garner new contacts and commissions for the 100 amazing people featured in the book.
The book is designed and written to be entertaining, informative and inspiring—unique qualities when it comes to the usual illustration annual or compilation which are usually just images and contact info with not much heart and soul. Readers—whether art directors or aspiring illustrators or people interested in the creative spirit—will get to know our Work/Life illustrators on a more personal level.
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