Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Damion Silver e Scotty Albrecht inaugurano questo 25 maggio presso la Colab Projectspace di NY la mostra Wood and Pulp.I nuovi lavori dei due artisti si districano su materiali come carta e legno, recuperati da oggetti ripensati e assemblati in nuove forme.

487 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

Wood and Pulp by Damion Silver and Scotty Albrecht

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