Win a ticket for Blogging Your Way E-course with decor8


Do you wanna be a BLOG BOSS too? Or learn how to become one just Like Stefanie, Holly and me? Then sign up for the next Blogging Your Wayan awesome e-course founded by best-selling author, freelance journalist and stylist, Holly Becker from decor8.

Blog Boss is for those who know the basics of how blogging works (how to write a post, how to publish a post, how to add images to your posts, how to comment, etc.) but want to dig deeper into how to really think about blogging in a whole new way in order to enjoy it more, reach a broader audience and for personal growth and business success. 

Some of the topics 'Blog Boss' will be covering: 

* HOW TO deal with copycats, content theft, and other naughty people

* PINTEREST tips and tricks

* HOSTING 101: Meet ups, events, workshops and more!

* Overcoming BLOG ENVY

* Work Life Balance as a mom, wife, etc.

* BLOG Etiquette online and how to deal with people who have none!

My role will be more specifically about combining my life as a mother of two, living in different countries in the world and be a professional blogger. 

If you think this is just what you were waiting for then SIGN UP here! The three of us will be very happy to welcome you. 

Or WIN a FREE SEAT ($129.-) by leaving a comment below telling us what you would liketo learn during this         e-course. One person will be chosen randomly and announced next week on Wednesday 20 February.

WINNER IS: Sonia Barrigas

Your online teachers: Holly from decor8, Stefanie from ohhhmhhh and Irene from Bloesem 

..Blogging Your Way


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