Will Alsop Leaving RMJM to Start New Architecture Firm


Back in late June, we told you not to trust starchitect Will Alsop when he said “I don’t have any plans to leave at all,” when asked about the rumors that he was intending to leave RMJM, one of the largest architecture firms in the world that has had something of a rough and tumble year. “I am aware of these rumours,” he told Building Design. “It is like rumours on rumours.” But we knew better, given that just two years ago, Alsop announced that he was quitting architecture for good and would transition into a quiet life of teaching, only to take a high-profile job at RMJM. So if you heeded our warning, you won’t be surprised at all that, yes, Will Alsop is leaving RMJM. Yesterday, the firm announced that he was indeed leaving, starting a new firm with fellow former-principle at the company, Scott Lawrie. Here’s a bit from RMJM’s CEO, Peter Morrison about Alsop’s exit, as told to Building:

“We have been in discussion with Will and Scott for some time and all parties feel that this is the best way forward. Will and Scott have played an important role internationally for the firm and are undoubtedly architects with enormous talent and an excellent reputation.

We are extremely grateful for their contribution to the business over the past two years and whilst I understand their desire to start something new, our intention is to continue to work together on a number of ongoing projects.

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