Why Not Associates animate type for Audi

In a rather different project to the recently completed Comedy Carpet in Blackpool (which is featured in our current October issue) Why Not Associates has completed a series of animated CGI idents for Audi…

The idents each show a message relating to function and form which appear etched or embossed into materials used in Audi’s new Q3 model – tyre rubber, a brake disc, galvanised steel, interior leather, and plastic. Here are the idents:


Audi Q3 – Tyre Rubber 1 from Why Not Associates on Vimeo.

Galvanised steel:

Audi Q3 – Galvanised Steel 1 from Why Not Associates on Vimeo.

Brake disc:

Audi Q3 – Brake Disc 1 from Why Not Associates on Vimeo.

Interior leather:

Audi Q3 – Interior Leather 1 from Why Not Associates on Vimeo.

Engine cover plastic:

Audi Q3 – Engine Cover Plastic 1 from Why Not Associates on Vimeo.

“The idents have been running on the Discovery Channel this month,” explains Why Not Associates’ Clayton Welham. “There were versions created as digital pre-rolls, used on the Guardian website to chapter their online screening of Glyndebourne opera, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg too.

“We worked with the audio styles created by Black Sheep Music and Noise International,” Welham tells us of Why Not’s approach, “drawing bespoke typestyles to suit each music version, Jazz, Choir and Opera. These were then digitised and broken apart to allow each stroke to be animated faithful to the way it would be written,” he continues, “so that they are calligraphically correct, so to speak. Once animated, the strokes were embossed, moulded, forced, etched and stamped through materials relevant to those used in the manufacture of the new Audi Q3.”


Title Audi Idents – Function in an Elegant Form.
Agency BBH London
Direction, design and typography Why Not Associates
Animation / 3D Why Not Associates and Chris Cousins
The Mill
Sound Black Sheep Music & Noise International



CR in Print

Thanks for reading the CR Blog but if you’re not also reading the magazine in print, you’re really missing out. Our October issue includes the story of Blackpool’s Comedy Carpet, a profile of Jake Barton whose studio is currently working on the 9/11 Memorial Museum, plus pieces on branding and the art world, guerilla advertising coming of age, Google’s Android logo, Ars Electronica, adland and the riots, and loads more.

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