Welcome, Eleanor!
Posted in: UncategorizedEleanor getting some Dottie Angel boxes ready for our warehouse.Lucky issue #13 has themes about luck and good fortune, but there’s a behind-the-scenes story of serendipity I’d like to share.
Some weeks ago, I was desperate to find some help. I was overwhelmed with all the data management that publishing a magazine and books demand. I had a huge backlog of over 500 entries to deal with and no time in sight. Serendipitously, Eleanor walked into my studio space, resume in hand. Though she was initially looking for a retail job, her resume listed lots of past experience in just the sort of things I needed help with! We had an impromptu interview right then and there and it wasn’t too long that Eleanor was working here part time. She made her way through the hundreds of orders like a real trooper and has proven to be a great help with the shop, subscribers and wholesalers. I am so happy and relieved to have her as part of the UPPERCASE family.
You can read Eleanor’s perspective about the new job on her blog.
Eleanor wrote her own introduction:
I was born in Beijing China, and moved to Canada when I was 7 years old. One would think I’m bilingual but my Chinese is of a 7 year old’s who has forgotten much of the grammar! Today I’m a hobby photographer and writer, especially of found things and macro shots. I love poetry and fiction. I have an idea in my head for a horror novel something between The Ring (my favourite horror flick) and a Korean drama. I’m a huge movie geek, I love everything from intense dramas to b-movies, some of my favourites include: The Red Violin, Hot Fuzz, Casablanca, etc. I’m so happy to have started at UPPERCASE, it’s been about a month and I love it here. Janine is really inspirational and I’m glad to help with the publication.
If you have any questions about subscriptions or shop orders, Eleanor will be the one replying to your queries. (email Eleanor at shop {at} uppercasemagazine.com)
I’m very lucky that Eleanor wandered in to UPPERCASE that day!
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