Visual Thinking 101 at General Assembly NYC on August 29th


Designer and illustrator Craighton Berman, who started the Core77 “Sketchnotes Channel” (as well as drawing Coretoons under the name fueledbycoffee), will be in NYC doing a couple of classes on visual thinking next week. The first is for the new Products of Design MFA program at the School of Visual Arts (headed by Core77 partner and Editor-in-Chief Allan Chochinov). However, if you’re not one of the pioneering students in the inaugural MFA program, don’t fret: an encore performance has been added down the street.

Craighton will also be running a Visual Thinking 101 workshop on Wednesday August 29th at General Assembly, the start-up community/coworking/education network focused on entrepreneurship in technology and design. If you’re curious about how visual thinking might help you to better generate, communicate, and shape ideas—especially in collaborative environments—this workshop will be a great primer to philosophy and techniques. The class will cover the building blocks of visual thinking, basic rapid viz training, sketchnotes, and experience storyboarding. Drawing skills not required at all—just a willingness to use drawing to explore ideas.


Also keep an eye out this Fall for the return of regular posts in the Core77 Sketchnotes channel, with articles on digital sketchnotes, brainstorming, storyboarding, graphic facilitation, and book reviews of recent books on sketchnotes and visual thinking at large. In the meantime, keep the pens moving and the ink flowing.



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