Vimeo’s New iPad App Offers Viewing, Editing and Uploading in One

vimeo1.PNGThe Vimeo iPad app features a beautiful full screen interface that allows you to view and browse for videos at the same time and even access your site stats. Screenshots by the author.

It’s always been the designer’s alternative to YouTube. With a cleaner interface and built-in communities, Vimeo may not have the powerhouse reach of YouTube but it hosts its own film festivals and offers a number of "Pro" features tailored for filmmakers, animators and design nerds. It’s always pushed boundaries and trends in online video, with early adoption of HD and Creative Commons Licenses.

Which is why I was excited to learn about Vimeo’s new iPad app, a much-needed release that builds off the strengths of its original iPhone app. Hot on the heels of the New Vimeo site redesign, the iPad version opens up in full screen glory, an extension of the already great site. The videos play in full screen and make for relaxing viewing on a couch. And if you hook it up with Apple TV (which I didn’t get to test out), you can even watch them on the big screen in your living room.

As designer Joseph Schmitt in the company’s blog post announcing the new app, “Mobile traffic to Vimeo has exploded (technically speaking, it’s tripled) since we first launched our iPhone app in early 2011, so we’ve renewed our focus to provide the best possible experience for Vimeo users on the move.” The new app is sure to drive even more traffic (and reduce eye strain!).

Each video features the standard “Like” and “Later” buttons, and you can login with your standard Vimeo account so it all syncs up. In this regard, the “Watch Later” feature makes a lot more sense–turning Vimeo into an Instapaper-like site for great video (though you still need to be connected to the web to view them). Below the video, you can get more information from the author, share it out with your friends (including an embed feature for WordPress), and even determine the CC license for viewing. You can even scroll for other videos while watching the current one.

vimeo2.PNGThe editing feature is clean and easy to use, with color-coded layers and a bevy of options, including transitions, audio (with easy access to Vimeo’s music store), and text.

The most intriguing element, and a vast improvement from the tiny iPhone interface, is the ability to shoot, edit and upload video. Taking advantage of the iPad’s built-in video camera, you can quickly shoot clips and either automatically upload them or create a new project.


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