Video Game Art Archive: Your Favorite Digital Distractions’ Pixelated Wall Art, All on One Convenient Tumblr Page

VideoGameArt-SamaraiShodown.jpgMural from Samurai Shodown 3 / All images from the Video Game Art Archive Tumblr

It wasn’t until somewhat recently that video games started popping up in conversations centered around art and design. MoMA kicked the debate off by buying 14 video games for their permanent collection in 2012—including Pac-Man, Tetris and the more recent Portal. Since then, the “controversy” has raged on in regards to whether or not we should reference our favorite digital games in the same proverbial breath as Monet or Van Gogh. (Pixels, brushstrokes—same thing?)

DonkeyKong-Comp2.jpgTwo pieces of art from Donkey Kong 64

All deliberations and opinions aside, a savvy Tumblr user out there has put their formidable search and destroy distribute skills to use, collect a colorful collection of pixelated pieces for all to enjoy. We’re not talking about the beautiful screenshots of your latest build on Minecraft—these are the very paintings and murals that show up on the walls of your digital world.

VideoGameArt-AvoidTheNoid.jpgMural from Avoid the Noid

VideoGameArt-TMNT.jpgA cityscape piece from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (NES/Dos)


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