Vaughan Ling’s Sublime Landscapes


Earlier this year, we were lucky enough to see some paintings by none other than Syd Mead himself at Future (Perfect), a solo show of small works at BravinLee Gallery (no word on whether he’ll be showing any paintings in Boston next month). For those of you who missed it—and the rest of us too—Vaughan Ling is taking up the mantle. The digital rendering wunderkind had blown our minds with his über-detailed depictions of spaceships, but a new-ish series of landscapes shows his remarkable command of light and composition.


I have no idea whether he has any fine art aspirations, but these would make amazing large-scale digital prints…



He’s also got a strong sense of figure and texture, as in this rendering of Darth Maul; his mastery of form is a given, considering that he’s studying Transportation Design at CCS.


That’s right, he’s still in school: Ling is looking forward to completing his BFA this December.


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