(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

An exhibition about the problems faced by international architects working in China is on display as part of Beijing Design Week, exploring the issues at play through the stories of twelve projects that never made it.

Listen to curator Mike Tunkey describe the exhibition at Beijing Design Week above.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Ordos Performing Arts Centre by Cannon Design – a 1,200 concert hall proposed for a city that didn’t exist
Top: Xu Beihong Memorial Hall by aqso* – architects weren’t told directly that the project was no longer going ahead

The exhibition, called (un)Made in China, presents designs proposed over the past decade by international architects that failed for reasons such as superstitious clients, the language barrier and cultural differences with Chinese developers.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Tianjin RR Station by de architekten Cie – ended when two winners were announced

Curated by Mike Tunkey from the ide@s initiative, the exhibition presents a series of interviews with the architects that are cut into themes that explain the different stages of the projects, titled Beginnings, Excitement, Project Scheme, Surreal Moments, Death and Advice.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Longtan Masterplan by MVRDV – project time scale of two years was deemed too long

The interviews describe anecdotes about the architects’ experiences with Chinese developers and clients, including one client that left the country and moved to Europe without telling the architects that the project wasn’t going ahead.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Dalian football stadium by UNStudio – the city hasn’t decided what to do with the site

They are displayed on wall-mounted video screens and are accompanied by information and images about each project on iPads, with physical perspex models of each design.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Ordos Hilton Hotel by VMX – client moved to Europe without telling the architect

The following projects are featured in the exhibition:

» Longtan Masterplan by MVRDV
» Xu Beihong Memorial Hall by aqso*
» Ordos Performing Arts Centre by Cannon Design
» Shenzhen Guotou Plaza Renovation by amphibianArc
» Dalian football stadium by UNStudio
» Zhongkai Sheshan Villas E18 by MSMEA
» Tianjin RR Station by de architekten Cie
» Shanghai Kiss by SPARK
» Ordos Hilton Hotel by VMX
» Henan Province Observation Tower by L+A
» Faux Gardens by Min | Day
» Tongxian Art Centre by NADAAA

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Tongxian Art Centre by NADAAA – experienced communication breakdowns through lack of Chinese language skills

The exhibition is currently on display as part of the 751 International Design Festival at Beijing Design Week 2012.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: Shenzhen Guotou Plaza Renovation by amphibianArc – architects left out of decision-making process

It was originally shown at the ide@s gallery in Shanghai earlier this year and after Beijing will travel to Europe and North America.

(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: the exhibition at Beijing Design Week

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(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: models of the projects at Beijing Design Week

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(un)Made in China exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: the exhibition at Beijing Design Week

Above: this movie from the exhibition features architects speaking about their projects in China that ended prematurely for various reasons

The post (un)Made in China exhibition
at Beijing Design Week
appeared first on Dezeen.

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