Unitasker Wednesday: Toast Rack

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Back in ye olde tyme days, toast was typically made in a home’s hearth using a device that looked like a rake or a pyramid shaped gewgaw that is still popular with camping enthusiasts. With the invention of electricity, the rake and pyramid were pushed aside as people started toasting their bread speedily under their oven’s broilers or in toasters or small toaster ovens. Gone were the days of slowly attending to toasting bread over the fire, people could now let a machine make their bread dry and brown for them!

My guess is that it was around this transition period when this week’s unitasker selection hit the market. With toast coming out of the electrical appliances so quickly, it must have been stacking up faster than folks could eat it. And, since apparently plates didn’t exist in the 1800s (except, they did), there must have been a need for a Toast Rack:

Since we now have plates (and by “now,” I mean “have had them since the dawn of civilization”), we can use plates to hold toast. This is such a terrific advancement! Plates! In fact, plates can hold lots of other things. No, it’s true! I’m not kidding around with you. Plates really can hold all types of food in addition to toast — like cake and steak! They’re amazing. I’m very pro-plate.

(Also, I strongly recommend reading the Toast Rack product description, where it tries to justify the device by saying it can also hold waffles. Awesome, because who doesn’t love to display their waffles before eating them?! Oh, and the user review from Marcus is priceless: “Who settles for horizontally stacked toast?” Hee.)

Thank you, Chaya, for sharing this device with us.

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