Unitasker Wednesday: Stick Pet Toy

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Fetch is a simple, yet mildly entertaining game you can play with a dog: you throw a stick, the dog runs to find it, the dog retrieves it, you throw the stick again, and you repeat the process until your dog is tired or bored. Most any stick you find in your yard or at the dog park will do, but you can also lob an old tennis ball if you’re interested in mixing things up a bit. The best part about playing fetch with a stick is that sticks are free and in hefty supply from nature, especially after a windy day. Noting this, you can see why a Stick Pet Toy seems, well, unitaskeriffic:

If your dog has a bad habit of eating sticks and suffering digestive issues afterward, I’m not sure a fake stick is a good alternative. Instead of eating bark, your dog would be eating stuffing, neoprene, neoprene fabric dye, thread — pretty much the equivalent of a SCUBA diver’s suit with fluff. Yummers.

It’s an $11 fake stick! Egads.

Thanks to reader Heidi for suggesting we feature fake sticks for pets — too funny.

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