Unitasker Wednesday: Shirt Shuttle

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

I have no doubts in my mind that this week’s selection works well. I am certain it is water resistant and keeps your shirt completely dry. I am certain it won’t wrinkle your shirt’s collar or introduce any nasty creases into the body of your garment. I am certain it is easy to hang in a closet and won’t get destroyed in your suitcase. I am not certain, however, that anyone needs a Shirt Shuttle:

This large case holds one shirt and it costs $48 in the US or £30 in Britain. If you’re going on a business trip for more than one day, you would need multiple Shirt Shuttles to protect all your shirts, and a nice size piece of luggage to contain all your Shirt Shuttles. It might be fine if you just want to take a single shirt to the gym, but I don’t know many guys heading to the gym who don’t know how to work a hanger or shove their shirt into the steam room to get out any wrinkles that may have inadvertently been acquired during transport.

I don’t like ironing, and neither does my husband, so we avoid the entire need for a Shirt Shuttle by getting him non-iron dress shirts from the Brooks Brothers outlet store. Yes, the non-iron shirts cost a little more than regular dress shirts, but they don’t cost $48 more per shirt, even at the retail stores and certainly not at the outlet locations.

If you want to protect your suit coat, tie, and slacks from wrinkles and the elements, I am sorry to report that there are not currently Coat Shuttles, Tie Shuttles, or Slack Shuttles. You’re still going to have to pull that steamer out of the hotel closet if any of those garments need some attention.

I don’t know why, but the Shirt Shuttle reminds me a lot of the Doughnut To-Go case …

Thanks to the hoards of readers who sent in this device suggestion to us.

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