Unitasker Wednesday: Perfect Bacon Bowl

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Ah, bacon. The best tasting of all the cured meats. Salty, fatty, pork goodness in a strip form that you can hold. Sigh.

The best part of bacon is that it doesn’t need to be improved. It is perfect. What it most certainly does not need is to be made into a Perfect Bacon Bowl:

Seriously, what is wrong with people who cannot simply enjoy bacon? Why does it need to be shaped into anything? Can’t it just be bacon?!

If you disagree and think a cup or bowl of bacon is necessary to enjoy the best meat this planet has ever known, then please — PLEASE — just use the bottom of a muffin pan to make bacon cups without purchasing all four of these devices. You probably already own a muffin pan and, for the most part, it is a bit of a unitasker. So, why not make that muffin pan a multitasker? Live a little!

But wait, there’s more! The Bacon Bowl even comes with its own infomercial. I dare you to watch it and not salivate all over your computer keyboard! (Unless you’re a vegetarian or observe a religious tradition that doesn’t consume pork, then I wouldn’t suggest you watch the infomercial. It will probably leave you nauseated.)

Thanks to reader J for introducing us to this unitasker. And, now, I think I’m going to go make some bacon in strip form, as it should be …

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