Unitasker Wednesday: Old Fashioned S’Mores Maker

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

I want you to focus for a second on this device’s name: The Old Fashioned S’Mores Maker. Imagine it, in ye olde tymes, our forefathers plugging a large metal device exactly like this into their walls “virtually anywhere, in the home,” to enjoy their s’mores. They didn’t need a campfire or sticks, they simply waited for a green light to illuminate indicating that the device was ready and then they roasted their bamboo skewered marshmallows via heat lamp.

Um, right. It happened exactly like that, Old Fashioned S’mores Maker inventors …

Surprisingly, this swell unitasker offends me less than last week’s. However, I’m still completely perplexed by it. Why does anyone need a special device to make s’mores? Assuming you don’t have a campfire or grill nearby, can’t you just use a burner on the stove or a microwave or a fireplace? Or wait, maybe just eat another snack? I’m so confused by all these s’mores devices.

Finally, if you want another good laugh, you have to read the review of the device on Amazon. It’s really funny.

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