Unitasker Wednesday: Nail Perfect

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Regular readers of this site know that I don’t have fingernails, so most everything about painting and decorating fingernails doesn’t make it onto my radar screen. However, I have hung out with enough people who do their nails to pick up some understanding so I’m not a complete idiot about the subject. I’d earn a solid C- if I were to be graded on painting fingernails.

But, even as a below average student on fingernail painting, even I know this week’s unitasker selection is overkill. Introducing Nail Perfect:

This gigantic doodad is to help you avoid painting your finger as part of the fingernail-painting process. Okay, fine, I’ll concede that accidentally painting your finger could be annoying. I can imagine that being bothersome.

However, this device doesn’t save you any time or effort — after you’re done painting your nails you still have to clean fingernail polish off the machine. It’s either a little fingernail polish remover on a Q-tip to remove the polish from your skin or fingernail polish remover on a cotton ball to take the polish off the device. Cleaning is still cleaning.

One of the reviewers on Amazon also pointed out that you have to leave a single nail in the slot until it dries before being able to apply a second coat. So, instead of being able to paint all 10 fingernails and then returning to the first fingernail to apply a second coat … you paint one nail, wait 5 minutes, paint a second coat on it, and then go to the next fingernail, paint it, wait 5 minutes, paint a second coat on it, etc. Doing all your fingernails could easily take an hour instead of 20-30 minutes. I can’t imagine how long it would take if you needed to do three coats …

And, last but not least, this thing doesn’t work for toenails. Sigh. You still have to clean the polish off your skin on your feet or find a manufacturer to start producing a Toenail Perfect gizmo. (I see dollar signs!)

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