Unitasker Wednesday: Elegant Baby Cup

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

You know what babies like? To sip milk from an Elegant Baby Cup:

At $160, this Elegant Baby Cup signals to all the other babies that your baby knows how to live it up and fine dine with the mucky muck. Even though your baby can’t hold up its head or find its mouth with regular consistency, pay no mind. Forget bottles or breastfeeding, only chic and impractical food delivery systems for all the babies in your house.

Also, your son or daughter’s tiny fingers are perfect for getting silver polish up under that handle to get rid of tarnish. Bonus! Besides, your baby had nothing else going on except for just laying there, being a baby. Polishing silver is such a great task for infants as it gives them something to do. Teaches them responsibility and what-not.

Congratulations, owners of the Elegant Baby Cup, you’ll probably win parent of the year for all of your awesomness!

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