Unitasker Wednesday: Electric Gravy Boat Warming Plate

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching in the U.S., I thought a gravy-themed unitasker was an obvious choice for our feature. Introducing the Electric Gravy Boat Warming Plate:

Before you start dreaming of all the ways you could use this tiny warming plate, you need to know it has a power cord. I’m imagining my grandmother, all 101 years of her, slowly walking to her dining seat, approaching the head of the table, and, just before she is able to sit down, tripping on the Electric Gravy Boat Warming Plate’s power cord. She’d be scalded by the gravy and then again by the warming plate before Uncle Pat could rush to her aid.

No one wants her grandmother to be scalded by gravy!

I also want to once again point out that this device is warming GRAVY. Gravy is a food that is so copiously and quickly consumed that it never has the opportunity to get cold. But, even if gravy is left sitting for some strange reason and is served at room temperature, it is still incredibly yummy. No one complains about cold gravy because — hot or cold — it is delicious fat in a liquid form.

Cold gravy is not the problem; dry turkey is the problem. Someone needs to invent a device that transforms turkey the consistency of plaster into moist, juicy, edible fowl. Mmmmmmm …

Thanks to reader Autumn for leading us to this unitasker.

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