Unitasker Wednesday: Cork Presenter

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

This is one of those unitaskers that makes me believe manufacturers think their customers are suckers, patsies, easy marks. In their eyes (especially manufacturers that target pregnant women and people who like to cook), we’ll buy any doodad and gizmo they tell us we need. Them: “You need this gadget that does the same thing as what you already own!” Us: “OF COURSE WE DO!!”

As proof of this theory, I would like to introduce you to the Cork Presenter:

Now, anyone who has ever dined in a fine restaurant and enjoyed a bottle of wine is aware, a sommelier doesn’t set a wine cork down in a Cork Presenter after opening a bottle of wine. Wine etiquette suggests that the sommelier should hand the cork to the person at the table who is hosting the dinner. The person at the table inspects the cork to make sure that the printing on it matches the information on the label of the bottle (this is done to try to detect fraud), and then the sommelier usually guides the host to set the cork down on a small bread plate or just on the table or even to pocket the cork if the host wants to keep it. If a group of wine aficionados are at the table, the cork might be passed around for everyone to inspect, but eventually the cork makes its way back to the bread plate.

What is nice about bread plates are that they can also be used for bread or cookies or anything else you would like to set on them. When opening a nice bottle of wine at home, a small bread plate can also hold a wine bottle’s cork, just like it does at The French Laundry.

Oh, and this little unitasker costs $30 — further proof of my belief that manufacturers are just rolling around laughing at their customers from their Scrooge McDuck money bins.

Thanks to reader Jeri for sharing this unitasker idea with us.

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