Unitasker Wednesday: Coffee Filter Separator Tool

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Want to know what is not a problem in search of a solution? Separating paper coffee filters. Want to know what product no one needs to solve this non-problem? An $8 pair of Coffee Filter Separating Tongs:

Want to know why no one needs these tongs? Because a reusable coffee filter costs less than $1.50 and you have no need to use paper coffee filters ever again.

Let’s pretend, though, you are all about the perpetually unnecessary expense of using paper filters and these tongs seem like a good idea. If that is the case, then I’d recommend a $3 Stick ‘n’ Lift style separator. These sticky things take up significantly less space than tongs, have better Amazon reviews, and would be easier to use if you have arthritis. But, since you don’t have any need for the perpetually unnecessary expense of using paper filters because you understand the financial and environmental benefits of using a reusable filter, there is no need to play pretend.

(Want to know what word I misspelled numerous times while drafting this post? Separator. Maybe I need more coffee …)

Thanks to reader Andrea for sharing this unitasker with us.

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