Unclutterer odds and ends
Posted in: UncategorizedAs the weather starts to get cooler here at the Unclutterer headquarters, we’ve been busy brewing up some fun and helpful projects to get us through the rest of the year and into 2013. The post topics we’ve selected for the remainder of 2012 look spectacular, and we are hopeful you’ll enjoy and benefit from them. (I am LOVING our plans for the Holiday Gift Giving Guide!)
Also on the schedule are a few things we wanted to share with you.
First, the audio version of my book Unclutter Your Life in One Week has been recorded and we are looking into ways to make it available for sale. The voice actress who plays me in the recording is phenomenal and the project, in my opinion, is a total success. If you’ve been waiting for an audio version of my book, you won’t have to wait much longer. We’ll notify everyone when the audio book is available for sale, which I’m hopeful will be in the next two weeks.
Speaking of books, I’m eager to write another one. If you’ve been searching for an uncluttering, organizing, or simple living book on a specific subject but can’t find one, let me know. The concept that has been bouncing around my brain isn’t set in stone, and I want to write on a topic people who are very interested in this subject area want to read. Now is your chance to weigh in if you have an opinion!
Third, so this post has some useful content, here are my recent posts on Women and Co.:
- “Just 1 Good Knife: 8 Tips to Save Money and Reduce Clutter“
- “Changing Your Name? Tips for the Workplace“
- “Seeking a Powerful Mentor? You May Find Her Close to Home“
- “5 Things to Buy on Sale in the Fall“
- “Fitness on Your Phone: Apps for Good Health“
Finally, another post will go live in a few minutes (if it hasn’t already) so you will get uncluttering and organizing content in addition to announcements today. Stay tuned!
Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from Amazon.com today.
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