Ultraminimal "MOON" Eclipses Existing Contact Cases

BeverlyMoon-MoonContactCase-0.jpgLooks cool, but what does it actually do?

Beverly Moon is a Senior Industrial Designer who is based in Portland, OR. I’d go so far as to say that the majority of ID’ers would agree that they are “[passionate about] curating experiences through products and invoking beauty in everyday things,” but Moon delivers on her mission statement with her eponymous contact case.



Moon (the designer, not the design) notes that this unassuming product is ritualized in “a routine that many of us go through at least twice a day, [occupying] a prominent place on the bathroom sink.” She explains on Kickstarter:

Any number of adjectives describe the “Moon” (the design, not the designer): clean, simple, elegant, beautiful, unobtrusive, etc., there’s also a sense in which Moon is highlighting “an experience and product that gets overlooked.” Like the Nest Learning Thermostat or the “Dark Sky” app (also in need of Kickstarting), Moon (the designer, not the design) has found room for innovation, though her design is more of an aesthetic improvement than the others.



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