Ubi-Camera: In the Future, Will We Take Photos with Our Fingers?


This is version 1.0 of a technology that’s a bit clunky now, but has the potential to be awesome at the 2.0 or 3.0 level. The Ubi-Camera is a working concept devised at Japan’s Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences which allows you to take photos the way a pretentious art-house movie director frames shots: By framing them with your fingers.

We say it’s clunky because the current prototype requires you stick your fingers into that little box, but it’s not difficult to imagine where this could go:

1.) Picture the lens being something tiny that attaches to the fingernail of your pointer finger.

2.) Form the frame with your fingers and the camera turns on.

3.) The shutter could be activated by using a finger not involved in the framing—say, your ring finger—to touch your palm.

As a shutter-triggering alternative to step 3, it would be cool if you just made the “Ch-KSHH” noise with your mouth, and an audio sensor in the camera then snapped the photo.


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