Type Tuesday: June Corley

June Corley‘s typographic sculptures:

While making a living as an advertising art director and graphic designer, I gradually collected a lot of wonderful old stuff. I was particularly attracted to three categories that were (and still are) very visually pleasing to me — old signage letters, vintage letterpress printing type and found objects that resembled faces. My vast collections were displayed throughout my Atlanta home and office where they provided daily eye treats. Then I, along with all my old stuff, moved.

As I unpacked boxes at my new place, the letters and found objects became jumbled together and serendipity took over. Certain found objects and faces appeared custom made to go with certain letters and type, almost begging to be put together. So I proceeded to do just that, combining this object with that letter and before long I was surrounded with a dozen sculptures. They were quite likable and entertaining to have around, so I made more.

With over 90 sculptures made, there’s lots to admire on June’s website.

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