Tuesday Night: Erin Rose Gardner at Core77’s Hand-Eye Curiosity Club PDX

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Join us Tuesday night with Erin Rose Gardner as she presents Jewelry as Subject. Erin is an Oregon Arts Commission grant recipient and an experienced explorer of the terrain between design and craft. As she puts it; “Undulating between these two fields, my research centers around mass-produced jewelry, because it has the capacity to serve as a cultural symbol for sentiment as-well-as commodity. As a designer/maker I am suspicious of industrially produced objects that embody emotional significance.”

The presentation begins at 5:30PM at Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply – 23 NW 4th Avenue, Portland, Ore. Drop on by or come back and watch here via our live stream!

RSVP at info@handeyesupply.com

For more info visit the HES Curiosity Club page.


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