Tonight: Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club presents Michael Davis-Yates of Leaptronic Audio


Tonight, Core77 is excited to present Michael Davis-Yates to the Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Michael Davis-Yates: Leaptronic Audio – “This is How We Do It, Now…”
Tuesday, Mar. 20th
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

Michael Davis-Yates has been building speakers for himself and friends for the better part of a decade, in the summer of 2010 the brand LEAP was born as a way to present his designs to the rest of the world, and provide enthusiasm for audio gear in a yet undetermined niche. In the last two years LEAP has created products such as boom-boxes, hi-fi speaker systems, and audio oddities such as singing mirrors.


When the joy of creating an awesome thing turns into the dream of creating a marketable product things can get a little hairy for the uninitiated. Michael’s talk will focus on the daily struggle a non-manufacturing maker is faced with in the process of moving from concept to production.



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