This Smartphone Packs a Hidden Earbud

It’s time to get serious about mobile phone radiation – and what better way to do it than with a lovely design concept to completely do away with it? This is the “ER”, a smartphone that works with a Bluetooth-connected detachable microphone/earbud combo. When it’s docked, the earbud charges up. When it’s out, it’s instantly connected wirelessly to your phone.

This device was made not just for those people who love to keep their phone in their pocket when they talk for fashion, but for those worried about the radiation emitted by phones on a regular basis. For them, there’s this surprisingly reasonable docked earbud-in-phone concept – have at it!

Designers: National Chiao Tung University

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(This Smartphone Packs a Hidden Earbud was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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