Think Pink: Pantone Names ‘Honeysuckle’ 2011 Color of the Year

It will come as no surprise to anyone who glimpsed the hothouse hues favored by Marc Jacobs in his spring 2011 collection that we’re in for a hot pink year. To wit: Pantone has declared Honeysuckle (18-2120 on your fandex) the “courageous, confident, and vital” color of the year for 2011. It’s a bold follow-up to the escapist (yet similarly tropical) choice of Turquoise for 2010 and the previous year’s much ado about Mimosa. “Honeysuckle is a captivating, stimulating color that gets the adrenaline going—perfect to ward off the blues,” said Pantone Color Institute executive director Leatrice Eiseman in a statement announcing the pick. “Honeysuckle derives its positive qualities from a powerful bond to its mother color red, the most physical, viscerally alive hue in the spectrum.” Meanwhile, 2011 will be business as usual for hummingbirds. According to Eiseman, it’s the bright reddish pink that attracts the tiny birds to nectar-producing honeysuckles, not the flowers themselves.

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