The Weekly Design Roast, #19

Fabricator: “I can’t read this drawing–does that say 1:4 or 1:8? Ah, it’s probably 1:8.”

“I call my aesthetic ‘1980s Children’s Ferrari.'”

“Because it’s placed against the wall, it limits legroom so that the only way you can sit at it is with the lower corner poking you in the stomach. Then I added an additional intrusive corner just above that, to remove any semblance of usable space.”

“The goal is to see if you can have sex on this thing so vigorously that it flips all the way over.”

“I’ve only broken a few glasses when I reflexively closed the drawer, so overall I’m happy with the design.”

“I wanted to design something that uses electricity and LEDs, but doesn’t provide any functional illumination.”

“My goals were to reduce the four points of stability of a conventional stepladder, reduce the usable surface of the topmost step, and add an uncapped, upwards-pointing protrusion.”

“This is part of my ‘Jabba the Hutt’s Summer Home’ collection.”

“I can’t decide if I look sillier folding and unfolding the things, or sitting in them.”

“It’s convenient because it hangs from a single nail. Although I did learn that if you’re going to place a vase or a fishbowl on this, make sure it’s centered on the shelf!”

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