The Votes are In: Hatch Live Comes to an End with a 90-Minute Scramble to Design the Perfect Table Lamp

HatchLiveFinals-WilNelson.jpgPhotos by Priscilla de Castro

For the last round of the Hatch Live competition, the contestants were kept in the dark in terms of what they would be designing until four hours before the competition. “We wanted to keep it exciting,” says Matthew Sargeant, founder and CEO of Hatch Hub. “We wanted to see how each designer works under pressure. It was great to feel the adrenaline in the room at the final.” The morning of the final round, they were told they’d be creating table lamps. As the event began, it was pretty clear that judges Dan Rubinstein (former editor-in-chief of Surface magazine) and industrial designer Simon Enever had a tough choice ahead of them. Check out the behind-the-scenes video of the final battle for the grand prize:


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