The Sunday Light Is Designed To Bring Sunshine-like Illumination On Those Sullen Winter Days

Designers Nat Martin and Sean Hammett created a unique and innovative light in a desire for more mood-boosting daylight in the sullen English winters. Dubbed the Sunday Light, this small but powerful overhead LED is suspended beneath a reflective panel. The panel is created to diffuse light in a manner similar to Earth’s atmosphere, allowing the light to evenly disperse across the room. It was designed to bring the sensation and feeling of a sunny day to your home, irrespective of the weather outside.

Designer: Nat Martin and Sean Hammett

The Sunday light is much like a SAD lamp designed to handle seasonal affective disorder. The light promises to deliver sun-like light and to successfully uplift mood, energy, and alertness. But unlike a SAD lamp, the Sunday light is intended to be pleasant to sit beneath, emitting a light that is natural and diffused without any kind of harshness.

Martin decided to create the Sunday light when he was forced to return to the UK from the US border, after spending excessive time in LA. When he returned home, he missed the warm sunny days of LA and teamed up with Hammett to create something that could fight against this lack of sunlight. “I love sunshine. Everyone to some extent needs sunlight. Some people are more affected by it than others but bright sunlight makes everyone feel better,” said Martin.

The intention behind the Sunday light was to create something that feels like a “beautiful sunny day”. The LED is supposed to be “insanely bright”, has a strength of 30,000 lumens, and delivers 10,000 lux, which is 300 times the amount of light that would hit a person standing below a typical ceiling light. He says that light this strong might sound uncomfortable and disturbing, but is in fact quite warm and comforting. The Sunday light has a CRI value of 93 which means even though it is cool in color temperature, it has a rather natural and pleasant feel to it.  Also, the light is quite indirect and is placed within a metal arm.

The post The Sunday Light Is Designed To Bring Sunshine-like Illumination On Those Sullen Winter Days first appeared on Yanko Design.

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