The Print Society

Bloesem Living | The-Print-Society-Cushions-Lifestyle

Hi, good morning, this is  Christine from House of C . Hope you've had a happy weekend and are ready to start this week at Bloesem with some lovely accessories from Sydney, Australia.

Please meet The Print Society, a homewares and accessories label from Australia. Cozy cushions made from natural fabrics such as hemp and linen. The Asian and Scandinavian influences of the designs make them real wanna haves, don't you think. Geometric forms, lots of color and a great eye for detail. Such a great example of how a small label can make a big impact!

Bloesem Living | The-Print-Society-Cushions-Lifestyle

Bloesem Living | The-Print-Society-Cushions-Lifestyle

Bloesem Living | The-Print-Society-Cushions-Lifestyle


.. The Print Society
.. at Etsy
.. House of C 


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