The Louvre Keeps Its Title as Worlds Most Popular Museum


The Louvre is officially on a streak now, with the announcement that they have once again easily grabbed the title of world’s most popular museum, a title they’ve now held on to for the last few years. Despite concerns over their finances, the famous museum saw some 8.5 million visitors this year, which is the same as 2008, but certainly enough to put them well above the second place finisher, the British Museum, whose total came in just shy of 6 million. While we join the Smithsonian in guessing why they were so popular this year, we figure it probably has something to do with France’s decision to make their museums free for students and teachers, and maybe an extra few hundred thousand people stopped by because of their new McDonald’s. There was also these big pulls, as the Independent explains:

Temporary exhibitions attracted a large number of visitors, for instance, 250,000 people saw the Egyptian exhibition Les portes du Ciel (Heaven’s gates) and 400,000 people lined up for Titien, Tintoret, Veronese. Rivalites a Venise (Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese: Rivalry in Venice).

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