The Japanese Cat Island

Sur l’île japonaise d’Aoshima, plus d’une centaine de félins ont trouvé refuge dans les maisons abandonnées du village de pêcheurs. Ces chats, six fois plus nombreux que les humains, attirent beaucoup de touriste qui ont, logiquement, baptisé ce lieu, « L’île aux chats ».

A cat struts along an alley on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
A cat jumps off a piano in the music room of a derelict school on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
A cat leaps at the photographer to snatch his lunch snack on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
A local woman shoos away cats as she leaves her house on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats walk along the embankment as a man fishes on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
A cat carries a fish on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats surround a local woman on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats beg for food on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Village nurse and Ozu city official Atsuko Ogata holds a cat on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats beg for food on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats surround people as they get off a boat at the harbour on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats sit on a wall overlooking the sea on Aoshima Island in Ehime prefecture in southern Japan
Cats crowd the harbour on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture in southern Japan

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