The iCade: An iPad arcade without the hassle (and threat of teen violence)

pOkay–I’m one of those people that wants an iPad, but even I was shocked to see last night’s episode of IModern Family/I was essentially a 22-minute iPad commercial. /p

pIn my opinion a more fun iPad/pop culture mash-up is A HREF=”″ the iCade, an “iPad Arcade Cabinet”/A over at ThinkGeek with an arcade-style joystick and buttons and an integrated charger. /p

pimg alt=”0icade.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”812″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pAs they explain:/p

blockquote…We knew we needed to take it to the next level. What cool things could we do with the iPad that you, our lovely geek customers, would squee over? A few brainstorming sessions later, the idea of a MAME cabinet came up and we knew we’d struck gold. How cool would it be to slide your iPad into a desktop-sized arcade cabinet and rock it old school with some Pac-Man or Space Invaders? /blockquote

pPretty cool indeed. Is it $149-worth of cool? Up to you. But you don’t need the cabinet to get the attendant (and free) iCade App, coming out April 3rd, which hooks your tablet up with classics like Donkey Kong, Dig Dug, Qbert, and more. The only other thing I’d need to recreate the full arcade experience from my youth is a tough stoner guy named Dave hanging around in a ripped jean jacket who might beat me up after he ran out of quarters. Man I hated that guy./p

pemNote: This is an April Fool’s prank! Could’ve (and did) fool us./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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