The future of creative education

D&AD is hosting an event at the University of London next week to discuss the future of creative education.

Speakers will include award-winning producer David Puttnam, D&AD president Neville Brody, Creative Education Trust director Emily Campbell, Hyper Island founder David Erixon and Dave Birss, founder of creative training agency Additive.

Chaired by Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland, the panel will discuss the potential impact of changes to the national curriculum on the UK’s creative industries. Speakers will also compare education programmes to industry-led training schemes in a look at whether the industry itself might be better suited to training future generations of creative talent.

Arts education has been a subject of fierce debate under the coalition government: since its election in 2010, university tuition fees have tripled and a proposed English Baccalaureate scheme is in danger of marginalising creative subjects in favour of traditional academic ones.

As a result, parents are now concerned that £9,000 a year would be better spent studying ‘safe’ subjects rather than exploring their creative side at art school, and Brody believes this could have catastrophic implications for the UK’s economy.

“This country’s core businesses no longer manufacture goods – they manufacture ideas. The UK is the creative capital of the world. But if we squander our economy’s future on an education system based on dogma and nostalgia, rather than pragmatism and aspiration, we can kiss our reputation as the global centre of creative excellence goodbye,” he said in statement condemning the proposed Baccalaureate.

A future for creative education? will be held at Logan Hall on May 21. To find out more or to book tickets, click here.


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