The First Trek to Mars, Available Now on Indiegogo


Seeing as we typically receive about a dozen Kickstarter/Indiegogo/etc. pitches in the inbox on any given day, your humble editorial team has a case of chronic crowdfunding fatigue. Sure, we pick up on interesting projects here and there, but we’re pretty jaded when it comes to smartphone accessories with peppy pitch vids.

Of course, once in while, you’ll fall upon a crowdfunding wildcard—like a colonizing mission to Mars. “Mars One – First Private Mars Mission in 2018” is looking to come up with enough money to send an unmanned craft to Mars in 2018 for research and another launch (with people) in 2025. The final goal: to create an interstellar colony. And the contributor perks are outta this world (I couldn’t resist).


Check out the video for a behind-the-scenes look at the planning stages of the trip some words from the founders:


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