The 100th Tour de France Starts This Weekend, Here’s a Bunch of Videos about Bikes


Tomorrow is the big day for cycling fans the world over: in just over 12 hours, nearly 200 of the top cyclists in the world will embark on the first stage of the 100th Tour de France, which will start for the first time in Corsica (in fact, this will be the first time the Tour has visited the Mediterranean island.) The riders will log some 2,100 miles over the next three weeks as they travel throughout the scenic French countryside, including a double ascent of the iconic Alp d’Huez (perhaps to compensate for its omission from last year’s route); I recommend the New York Times‘ race preview and Peloton‘s “Tour by the Numbers.”

With Tour footage is always a quick YouTube query away and the Bicycle Film Festival underway in New York this weekend, here are a few related vids to psych you up not only for the centennial Tour but just, you know, riding a bicycle in general. First up, via Coolhunting, is a timely short film about Rapha Condor JLT team, providing an “intimate portrait of veteran rider and team leader Kristian House and up-and-comer Felix English.”



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