Thanksgiving with Sweet Paul and mon biscuit


Sweetpaulmagazine Saakjevisser Unni

I know many of you will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow and to get you a little bit more in the spirit why don't you visit Sweet Paul's newest issue of his very beautiful online magazine (yes another one !) 


and how about some 'biscuits' for dessert?….just saw them in my inbox and immediately loved them…Saakje Visser made them, I have written a bit before about her beautiful designs right here… 


…doing the dishes would have been more fun with this tea-towel…perhaps for Christmas?


the images above are also from Sweet Paul's magazine {Paul did the styling and photography by Hector Sanchez}…I truly hope we will keep on making these for us…but he could use some help!..and above all Happy Thanksgiving to all of you… although I haven't been brought up with Thanksgiving I do like the idea of 'reflection and being thankful for all that life has to offer'…

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