Technological Advances in Cinematography: Heli Video and RoboKopter Opening Up New Vistas


RoboKopter footage of Warsaw riots from last week

Last year we wrote about the disruptive technology of flying cameras as developed by Eric Austin, a videographer, RC pilot and founder of Heli Video Productions. To refresh your memory, Austin combines sick flying skills, cutting-edge remote-control technology and high-end Canons to pioneer an entirely new type of cinematography. Since last year he’s been busy with both a forthcoming ABC show and commercial projects. Check out the following footage, where you get to see both his rig and a demonstration of serious skillz—he’s flying the thing in and out of a jungle canopy in Puerto Rico:

(Warning: If in an office, turn your sound down, extremely loud soundtrack.)

It’s not surprising that technology this cool is seeing parallel development overseas. A Poland-based YouTube user known only as latajacakamera (“flying camera”) has built his own “RoboKopter” heli-based shooting rig, which enabled him to capture footage of the Warsaw riots four days ago. It’s stunning, particularly when seen full-screen:


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