Teague’s Buckminster headphones concept


Bet Bucky Fuller never saw this one coming: Teague designer Dana Krieger has incorporated Fuller’s Tensegrity concept, whereby rods and wires in tension and compression provide strength and flexibility, to the design of their 20/20 headphones.

Conventional headphones use a series of pivots and slides to locate the ear relative to the head. Executed in plastic and metal, these pivots squeak and rattle as they struggle to accommodate listeners. In contrast to this noisy intrusion, 20/20 leverages the unique properties of tensegrity to offer silent, organic motion.

TEAGUE 20/20 Concept from TEAGUE on Vimeo.

The 20/20s are currently just a concept, not a production model–a shame, as we’re dying to try these out and rock out Bucky-style. Learn more about them here.


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