Tangible Earth tonight at Cooper-Hewitt

If you’re in New York City tonight, don’t miss Bill’s Design Talk with Tangible Earth inventor Shinichi Takemura:

For the first time in the U.S., participants will be able to see and experience Tangible Earth – the first interactive digital globe. Professor Shinichi Takemura will demonstrate his magical multimedia project, presented on a massive glowing globe, that shows daylight and weather patterns in real time. The globe’s diameter is just over 4 feet and is 1/10 millionth scale of the planet. Professor Takemura spins it with his hands as he explains the meaning of the images, calling up a series of events and predictions about ocean currents, tsunamis, global warming, and earthquake patterns. This digital globe allows him to easily explain the complicated scientific data that he has assimilated, while giving viewers a holistic vision of the state of the planet.

Free for Core77 readers!

Bill’s Design Talks: Tangible Earth
6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 18
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
2 East 91st Street at Fifth Avenue
New York City

More info here


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