Talent Spotters: Manchester School of Art

Detail of work by Laura Ajayi (see below)

The newly built section of the Manchester School of Art is a real pleasure to behold and complements the old part excellently, making wandering around and viewing the wonderful selection of work showing across the school even more enjoyable this year…

First up is BA (Hons) Interactive Arts student Sarah Unwin‘s thoroughly engaging experimental interaction piece (above). Members of the public were asked to submit a saliva sample on litmus paper and then the paper was meticulously added to an archive.

On the same course, Michael Fowdrey‘s amazingly intricate wooden chain links are set to be kept at the University, displayed in the new reception area.You can see why with the references to Manchester’s industrial past, but also its forward-thinking and unusual appearance.

This great sculptural piece by Tom Bevan – BA (Hons) Interactive Arts – was a real eye catcher, based around the correlation between modern day story telling and original methods in book-making.

This beautiful set by BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design student Bori Kovács was a total highlight of the 3D section; beautiful craftsmanship with a wonderful attention to detail.

I was really impressed by the execution in Hannah Louise Osbaldiston’s series of images of subjects seemingly, inexplicably, levitating. This image in particular, taken at the Victoria baths in Manchester, was perfect. Osbaldiston is from the BA (Hons) Photography course.

An optical room of trickery awaited anyone who entered the large black box in the Holden Gallery, created by Interactive Art student, Laura Ajayi. The box is filled with mirrors and intricately placed pieces of vinyl that would surely have pleased Bridget Riley.

Fine Art student Jessica Levi Shandley‘s wonderfully haunting abstract images were a real highlight for me. Her use of subtle abstraction created pieces that nodded to stills from Hitchcock’s films as much as they did contemporary collage.

A really compelling body of work was on show by Fine Art student Bijan Amini Alavijeh (links to email) with fantastic uses of both pattern, colour and technique.

This excellently executed poster by Dan Heron was a total highlight from the Graphic Design show, instantly striking and well constructed.

I was unable to find a web address but I would love to see more of Illustration with Animation student Nathaniel Scott’s work, the execution of the piece above I especially enjoyed.

Michael Withington is another Fine Art student with no website or contact details, but never-the-less wonderfully compelling paintings that were incredibly arresting.

Last but certainly not least was Sarah Joanna Walsh‘s amazing sculptures painstakingly created from newspaper, fantastically tactile and thoroughly captivating.

I was really impressed by the standard of work across the board from this year’s crop of new creatives coming out of the Manchester School of Art. The Interactive Arts course was a real highlight and to see the new building in its fully finished state was a joy to behold.

Manchester School of Art degree show is open until Wednesday the 19 June (10am – 6pm). More at degreeshow.mmu.ac.uk.

Mark ‘Eddy’ Edwards is one half of multidisciplinary art and design studio, DR.ME. More at dr-me.com. He also writes for write for We Occupy at weoccupy.co.uk/blog.

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