Take a Black Friday ‘Art Break’ with Andrew Kuo

Pause in your feverish purchasing of sale-priced MZ Wallace totes and discounted perfect gifts from The Future Perfect for a Black Friday breather: “Now and Later” by Andrew Kuo. The New York-based artist–best known for his intrapersonal infographics–created the 30-second video for MTV’s Art Breaks, a series of bite-sized video artworks commissioned by Creative Time and MoMA PS1 that revives the MTV “Art Break” segments from 1985. Having relaunched earlier this year with videos by the likes of Rashaad Newsome and Mads Lynnerup, Art Breaks returns this month (and through April 2013) with a new crop of artists, including Semâ Bekirovic and Cody Critcheloe. In creating “Now and Later,” Kuo looked to Chris Burden‘s 1973 “Through the Night Softly,” in which the artist was filmed wiggling through a galaxy of broken car glass–footage that would later be inserted amidst the commercials on a Los Angeles television station.

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