Unitasker Wednesday: Wick Trimmer and Waxi Taxi

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

I like candles, especially the ones that smell nice. My favorite is Votivo’s prairie sage scented candle. My friend Susan bought me one about 12 years ago and it has been my favorite ever since (I think I’m on my ninth one, I’m a creature of habit).

Maintaining candles is super easy. You light them, let them burn, blow them out, let them cool, and then put them into storage until the next time you want to use them. It’s the way people have been using candles since someone came up with the idea of putting a wick into wax. There is nothing difficult about candles. Heck, even making candles is easy.

So when reader Rita emailed me a link to suggest this unitasker, I was a wee-bit confused as to why candles should be made more difficult. See, in my experience, the wick burns when you light it on fire. It takes care of itself. There is no need for a Wick Trimmer because the flame will destroy the wick all on its own:

Sure, sometimes you might want to turn the candle over when it’s cool and dust off a few, stray charred wick remains, just to get them out of the way. I guess if you really didn’t like the look of any charred wick bits that are left behind you could cut them off with your multifunctional nail trimmers. But, if you’re like me, neither of these things are all that pressing of tasks since they’re only candles and eventually the wick bits will go away on their own.

My confusion over trying to make candles more difficult than they need to be doesn’t stop with the wick trimmer. While I was on the page for the wick trimmer, I noticed the “customers who bought this item also bought” section and came across another peculiar candle device. This one is the Waxi Taxi:

With this device, you can move votive candles around your home while they’re lit! Because carrying fire is REALLY smart. (No, it’s actually not smart. I was using sarcasm. How are there people who are unaware transporting lit candles is a bad idea?) Since long matches exist, there is never a need to light a candle before putting it somewhere. And, since it’s incredibly easy to blow out a candle and then move it, this one really takes the cake for pointlessness.

Who knew that candle accoutrements was a thing?! Think I’ll just stick with my method of not maintaining them with any special tools and enjoying them all the same.

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Unitasker Wednesday: Wax Vacuum

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Like most people, I have a few memories in my brain I would like to erase. The memories I want to erase aren’t bad or tragic memories, but rather moments of extreme embarrassment. (Like that time I was working backstage at a Lenny Kravitz concert when Lenny came up and asked me a question. Instead of answering his question like a person whose actual job was to answer rock stars’ questions, I made some coughing sound, tried to say the word buffet, eventually screamed “I LIKE YOU!” and then ran away. Not scurried or drifted away from him, no. I ran at full-on racing speed away from him. I had met hundreds of rock stars at that point in my career, but Lenny was the first and only to turn me into a tongue-tied mega fan overwhelmed by his hotness. Not only do I want to erase that moment from my mind but also from Lenny’s, and, well, now from yours.)

However, there has not been a device to burrow into my brain to seek out unwanted memories and destroy them … that is, until now! Introducing The Wax Vacuum Ear Cleaner:

Oh, wait. Reading closer on this product description it doesn’t seem to be an embarrassing moment memory eraser, even though that is exactly what it looks like. (The woman’s face is so full of contentment, she must have had her memories erased, right?!) Well, it says it’s a vacuum to suck wax out of your ear. Really? Not a memory eraser. Huh.

My favorite part about The Wax Vacuum Ear Cleaner is that it’s not the one that was featured in a television infomercial (apparently, that would be The Wax Vac). This one is “Similar” to the one featured in a television infomercial. Which, let’s be honest with each other, somehow makes it awesomer. (And awesomer is a word I think we should all start using so it can make its way into a dictionary.)

There is no way this thing is safe or could possibly work. It has 71 single-star reviews and is quite possibly the worst reviewed item I have encountered on Amazon. And the positive reviews aren’t necessarily what I would call glowing: “I’ve received it in the mail.” Wow. Those reviews definitely sing with consumer confidence.

This week’s unitasker is a product that doesn’t do what it claims to do (suck wax out of your ears) and doesn’t do what I wish it did (erase embarrassing memories) and is only “Similar” to an As-Seen-on-TV product. Oh, Unitasker, you make me sad. A big thanks to reader Scott for introducing us to this mind numbing unitasker!

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Unitasker Wednesday: Mystery Unitasker!

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Instead of putting the product name in the headline and immediately telling you what this week’s item is used for, I thought it would be fun to have you guess:

What do you think? It looks like a fork, right? But it’s not a regular fork. Gotcha! No, it’s a very special tool for only one purpose. What could it be?!

Surprise! It’s a Potato Fork!

You use it to grab potatoes out of boiling water instead of using your bare hands. What’s that? You never use your bare hands to retrieve potatoes out of boiling water (because you have a brain in your head)? You just dump the pot of water and potatoes into a strainer and drain off the water? Or, you use a slotted spoon or a wire skimmer to retrieve those hot potatoes out of the water? Wow, you are resourceful! I can’t believe you didn’t buy a specialty fork for $21 to do this very specific task for you. You really are amazing.

And, you look very handsome/beautiful today, too.

Thanks for playing our game of Mystery Unitasker, and we appreciate reader Karen for sharing this Unitasker with us.

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Unitasker Wednesday: AutoMee

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Um, um, um. I, uh. Well, um. I’m a little dumbfounded with this one. Um. Here, I’ll just show you the AutoMee because, well, uh, see for yourself:

As best as I can describe it, the AutoMee is a Roomba for automatically cleaning your smart phone screen. It’s multifunctional in the sense that you could probably use it on your iPad, Kindle, or your computer monitor if you could lay the monitor safely on its back. But, I’m not sure why you need an electronic device to do what a screen cleaning cloth does without batteries, robotic parts, and without taking up so much storage space.

Is it possible something is lost in translation and this is a joke? If so, why does it have a serious review on Amazon? The reviewer says he/she can’t live without the AutoMee. Maybe that person doesn’t know what the phrase “can’t live without” actually means? Now, if the AutoMee responded to voicemails and emails THEN I could understand not being able to live without it. In that case, the AutoMee would be my best friend. Since that is not the case, I believe the word I would choose to describe the device is “overkill.”

Thanks to reader Adrianne for finding this unitasker and sharing it with us.

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Unitasker Wednesday: Tug of War Rope

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

If you read the headline for this post, you may have seen the single word “rope” and thought, “rope is a multitasker, Erin is off her rocker this week.” And, I would agree, rope is quite versatile. But, this is not just a 30-foot piece of abaca rope for $60. No, this is 30′ of abaca rope for $60 with a knot in the middle of it, which is totally different. It’s Pottery Barn’s Tug of War Rope:

Unless you’re a gym teacher, where Tug of War might be played three or four times a year (class battles on a field day? in the weeks before graduation for a match between the sixth graders and the teachers? on a day when there is a substitute and you didn’t leave a proper lesson plan? some time when you’re really interested in seeing how well the school’s insurance policy covers injuries that land tykes in hospitals?), I can’t imagine there is a strong need for Pottery Barn’s Tug of War Rope in your life. If you’re in charge of planning the next family reunion and Tug of War has come to mind as a “fun” possibility, know that the same rope — natural abaca rope from the Philippines — is way cheaper when you don’t buy it from Pottery Barn. For the same price as this 30′ rope, you can get 100′ feet of abaca rope on Amazon. You could then have THREE Tug of War ropes! (That is, you’ll have Tug of War ropes once you tie knots in their middles and on the ends. Those knots make all the difference!)

To be fair, the abaca rope is good quality rope. I’m sure after playing Tug of War with it, you could untie the middle knot (gasp!) and use it again for other things. However, if you’re someone who regularly needs to use rope — say, you’re a villain who ties damsels to railroad tracks only to be foiled by do-gooder Canadian Mounties — my guess is you already own some that could substitute for a Tug of War Rope. Just don’t forget to tie that knot in the middle, obviously.

Thanks to reader Monica for finding this awesome Unitasker and sharing it with us.

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Unitasker Wednesday: Potato Grilling Rack

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

It’s summer! (Well, at least it is for those of us in the northern hemisphere.) It’s grilling season! It is also apparently time to buy stuff to use on your grill that you don’t need!

Introducing the Potato Grilling Rack:

I’m wondering if the person who invented this for Cuisinart has ever actually grilled a food item. I say this because anyone who has used a grill before knows that it has a rack inside of it that conveniently holds food for the purposes of cooking. You put food on the rack. That is how a grill works. Really. I’ve done it before.

Best of all, that rack inside of your grill can hold way more than four potatoes! Yay! Now get out there and put potatoes directly onto the rack already inside your grill.

Thanks to reader Jess for sharing this completely unnecessary unitasker with us.

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Unitasker Wednesday: Glitter Cleanup Cloth

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Glitter is one of the most evil craft products in existence. Most often, its users are children under the age of 10 who have no business decorating with the vile stuff. Once a glitter container is opened, glitter infects every possible thing it comes near. Does anyone ever garner enough joy from these sparkly bits to warrant the clean up afterward because those sparkly bits get everywhere? My guess is: no.

In an attempt to make glitter less awful, Martha Stewart has created a tacky (in the adhesive sense) cheesecloth and named it the Glitter Cleanup Cloth:

The thing is, though, it doesn’t work. Some glitter gets stuck to the tacky part and then you just use the now-sparkly cloth to push the rest of the glitter around. You end up spreading the glitter, like a bacteria or virus. And, since you can’t wash the cloth, after you’re done “cleaning,” you then become the proud owner of a cloth covered in glitter. Fun! (Actually: not fun. Some of that glitter will eventually fall off and mess up even more of your home.)

Want to know what cleans up glitter well? Vacuum and tape. You vacuum up as much as possible and then you use a strip of tape to pick up the rest. For those rare moments you choose to use glitter (obviously when you have amnesia and have forgotten how messy the stuff is), you don’t have need for a specialized cloth. You probably already own a vacuum and roll of tape, so now is the time to put them to their best use possible and get rid of the glitter.

Honestly, I think the best advice I can give you is to not use glitter. Whomever invented it was clearly a mad scientist insisting on overtaking the world with sparkle. Thanks to the person who tipped me off to this unitasker — sadly, I cannot find our original communication, but I am still very appreciative!

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Unitasker Wednesday: Unplastic Tray

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

You are not going to believe this. So, get this. Get this! It’s a tray. For cookies. And it looks like it’s plastic. But, seriously, it’s NOT! Right? It looks like it’s cheap, but it’s expensive! Hahahaha! The joke is on whoever is eating the cookies out of what they think is a plastic tray. It’s an Unplastic Tray!

“Features” of the Unplastic Tray:

  1. It’s made of hand-blown glass and is super delicate because it’s thin, like plastic
  2. It has to be hand washed
  3. You have to remove store-bought cookies from a plastic container and then put them in the glass container
  4. No one looking at your table assumes you did anything other than set the plastic tray the store-bought cookies came in onto the table because it looks just like a plastic tray
  5. If you make homemade cookies to put into it, people then think you didn’t make them and instead bought cookies or they wonder why you put homemade cookies into a recycled store-bought cookie tray
  6. Rarely do people touch the tray when grabbing cookies, so hardly anyone will even realize you have a fancy Unplastic Tray

Oh, and if you want to be confused even more, read the comments on the product’s Amazon page. Half of them have nothing to do with the tray at all. Even the reviews are clutter!

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Unitasker Wednesday: Egg and Spoon Race

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Once upon a time, I was a child who had backyard birthday parties. At these birthday parties, we would play games many kids love to play. There was always the water balloon toss, the three-legged race, and the egg on a spoon race. My parents would decorate the backyard with streamers and balloons and everyone would have simple fun.

With my son’s birthday on the horizon, I thought about throwing a similar party for him and went online to look for streamers and balloons. I then made the mistake of scrolling through the “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” section on one of the Amazon pages to see if I was inadvertently leaving anything out of my order. It was then I realized one of my favorite childhood birthday games had been ruined (RUINED I SAY) — Egg and Spoon Race:

Gone are the days of using actual spoons from your kitchen drawer and hard boiled eggs from real chickens for the egg on a spoon race. Now, there are plastic spoons, plastic eggs, and bean bag “yolks.” You can’t even eat the plastic egg after you drop it like you can the hard boiled egg!

Farewell, fun and easy childhood birthday parties. Sigh.

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Unitasker Wednesday: The Perfect Sushi Roll

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

This week’s Unitasker is my new, most favorite selection of all time. You may be confused, as it looks as if I have chosen a useful tape dispenser for the item:

Lo, but it is not a tape dispenser! It is The Perfect Sushi Roll. And it has the most amazing commercial to show you how it works:

As you have witnessed, the Perfect Sushi Roller is simple to use. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Well, and 4 and 5. Oh, and 6. Don’t forget step 6 …

Thank you to reader Tamera for finding this fabulous unitasker for us. Now, please excuse me as I must take my leave to dance around the room for no reason at all.

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