Unitasker Wednesday: Eggo Expand-O
Posted in: UncategorizedAll Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!
Someone (my husband) introduced my four-year-old son to Eggo Waffles once when I was out of town. I won’t name names (yes I will, my husband), but this person is responsible for what I believe to be the grossest food request my son makes. A couple times a month, my son requests a “waffle sandwich,” which is a slice of cheddar cheese in between two Eggo Waffles. It makes me gag just thinking about it.
As a result, I keep a box of Eggos in my freezer at all times to avoid meltdowns from a kid who rarely melts down and rarely eats processed food. Although I find it disgusting (sweet waffle with sharp, savory cheese), I’m not a cruel woman and the kid can’t eat candy because of his food allergies so “waffle sandwich” is his “sometimes food” candy equivalent.
Still, even with a box of Eggos taking up space in our freezer, I have no need for this crazy specific doodad. The Eggo Expand-O:
I like the idea of an expanding storage device, but why can’t it be larger and rectangular so things other than Eggos can be stored in it? Also, why does it have to look like a waffle and have a giant logo on the top of it? Highly specific food storage containers continue to confuse me: take the Nutri-Grain bars and Lem-O-Saver, for example. Evriholder should think outside the box, the Eggo box, and create a food storage container more folks could use.
Thanks to reader Holly for sharing this unitasker idea with us!
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